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Since 2007, Livro Aberto has been working hard to improve literacy skills and to foster a joy of books through mobile libraries, creative workshops, and educational activities within communities surrounding Maputo and in Jardim dos Professores. We believe that children learn best through hands-on experiences with print materials. We use recycled materials to make sustainable, educational resources and books with children; resources that the children can take home to practice with family members. Have a peek at the communities that we are currently working with!

Livro Aberto believes that children writing for children is a fun and educational way to create graded reader stories that are appropriate for the Mozambican context. A win-win opportunity for a child to learn the writing process first hand while inspiring others to read their stories! Livro Aberto creates opportunities where the authors participate in a special real-life experience, then using the photos from the experiences the children are provided one-on-one and small group coaching through the writing process from drafting and editing to the final publishing of their stories. Each author receives a book, their community lending library receives a book, the Livro Aberto Library receives a book, and then books are included in community libraries programs across Mozambique. Have a peek at our recent series of graded readers: Our Future (exploring professions that the children want to be when they grow up) and Author Buddies (a shared outing to important places in Maputo and then together the buddies created an engaging story).

Have a peek at Livro Aberto's current and upcoming projects: English Club, Be Noble Kid, Schools and Communities: Partners in Literacy, and more!

Have a peek at Livro Aberto's past achievements: Community Library Program Trainings provided by Livro to Peace Corps Volunteers and their community colleagues, book publishing, and more!

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Community Projects and Programs

Portfolio Of Outreach

Registered Association in Mozambique  Tax ID: 700086161

Associação Registada em Moçambique NUIT: 700086161

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Fostering a joy for books, empowerment through literacy!


Promovendo a Diversão e o Empoderamento Através da Literacia!


© Copyright Livro Aberto 2016 - Aviso Legal, Privacidade, Colofão

Livro Aberto Association &

Livro Aberto Children's Library, Language and Literacy Center

Hours: Monday-Friday 08-16h & Saturdays 09-16h

Associação Livro Aberto e

Livro Aberto Biblioteca das Crianças e Centro de Línguas e Leitura

Horário: Segunda a Sexta feira das 08-16h e Sábados das 09-16h

Jardim dos Professores          +258 844689047

Patrice Lumumba          

Maputo, Moçambique

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