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O Nosso Futuro (Our Future)

With sponsorship from Goodwill Community Foundation(GCF), Livro Aberto embarked on book publishing in 2012, creating the first series of culturally, linguistically, and developmentally relevant story books for children learning to read in Mozambique. Livro Aberto’s first series included 13 different titles authored by children detailing their future dream occupations. Created in partnership with children from our Costa do Sol project, the books provided invaluable literacy, story-writing, and grammar lessons to the children producing them. After a job experience for a day, each child used pictures from the experience and created text to describe the responsibilities of their dream profession and the schooling required to become that professional. From empregada (housekeeper) and pilot to policewoman, each child documented from their perspective the importance of reading and writing as a means for employment and future successes for peers across Mozambique to read.

Amigos Autores (Author Buddies)

Livro Aberto’s second book series included 13 important cultural, historical, and fun places to visit in Maputo. The community children shared an outing with a peer from Maputo International School (MIS) to visit the location of their choice and then co-authored a story detailing their adventures. From chocolate factory and the Livro Aberto Library to the Fortaleza (an historical fort) and the historical train station, each of the 13 books celebrated important places for Mozambicans in the capitol city of Maputo. These books are in free-to-access libraries in 9 Mozambican provinces. Thanks to GCF, Rapid Studio, and MIS for making this happen!




As new book series continue to be developed, they will further expand their reach across Mozambique, bringing the joy of reading to children with previously limited access to high interest/low level language books.

Authoring Books With Children

Registered Association in Mozambique  Tax ID: 700086161

Associação Registada em Moçambique NUIT: 700086161

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Fostering a joy for books, empowerment through literacy!


Promovendo a Diversão e o Empoderamento Através da Literacia!


© Copyright Livro Aberto 2016 - Aviso Legal, Privacidade, Colofão

Livro Aberto Association &

Livro Aberto Children's Library, Language and Literacy Center

Hours: Monday-Friday 08-16h & Saturdays 09-16h

Associação Livro Aberto e

Livro Aberto Biblioteca das Crianças e Centro de Línguas e Leitura

Horário: Segunda a Sexta feira das 08-16h e Sábados das 09-16h

Jardim dos Professores          +258 844689047

Patrice Lumumba          

Maputo, Moçambique

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