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Sponsor/Partner for a FUNdraising Event or Project...

As a creative literacy organization, we are also creative with FUNdraising! We have many events for children and adults throughout the year which raise money to support our projects, while creatively entertaining all those that attend. Participate in a FUNraising event. Follow us on Facebook for regular event updates!  Sponsor an event, an activity, provide shade or Tshirts, provide a service needed for the event. etc... all contribute to Livro Aberto's amazing events and ultimately to our children's literacy projects around Maputo.


Livro Aberto's FUNdraising initiatives always benefit from new helpers, new ideas and people willing to take on new personal challenges too!  If you are interested in assisting our FUNdraising efforts contact us!

As a creative literacy organization, we are also creative with our projects! From book publishing, English Club, Community Library Program Trainings, and Literacy Strategies Trainings to Early Childhood Develop Strategies Trainings! Sponsor a project, a book series, a training for others, Portuguese books for our programs, etc... all contribute to Livro Aberto's children's literacy projects around Maputo. Follow us on Facebook for albums of our past and current projects!


Registered Association in Mozambique  Tax ID: 700086161

Associação Registada em Moçambique NUIT: 700086161

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Fostering a joy for books, empowerment through literacy!


Promovendo a Diversão e o Empoderamento Através da Literacia!


© Copyright Livro Aberto 2016 - Aviso Legal, Privacidade, Colofão

Livro Aberto Association &

Livro Aberto Children's Library, Language and Literacy Center

Hours: Monday-Friday 08-16h & Saturdays 09-16h

Associação Livro Aberto e

Livro Aberto Biblioteca das Crianças e Centro de Línguas e Leitura

Horário: Segunda a Sexta feira das 08-16h e Sábados das 09-16h

Jardim dos Professores          +258 844689047

Patrice Lumumba          

Maputo, Moçambique

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